Ausstellung Nr. 2 Galerie der schwarze Punkt von
Davor Ljubicic „Human
Implementation“ Teil II
„Die Geburt war sein Tod“ Samuel Beckett
ist eine Video-, Audio- und Muttererde-Installation, die von der gleichnamigen
Figur der griechischen Mythologie inspiriert wurde; sie ist dafür
zuständig, Menschen in die Unterwelt zu bringen – und auch
wieder zurück. Sie betrachtet das Zeitmaß im Verhältnis
zur Erde und zur Lebensspanne des Menschen. Sie ist eine multi-sensorische
Arbeit und wurde erstmals im Malta-Pavillon im Arsenale auf der Internationalen
Biennale in Venedig 1999 gezeigt. Danach wurde sie im St. James Centre
for Creativity in Valetta, Malta im Jahr 2000 und im Kunst- und Kulturzentrum
„Johanniterkirche“ in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg, im Jahr 2002
gezeigt. In Konstanz sehen wir eine leicht überarbeitete Fassung
in Erstaufführung, die jedoch in der grundlegenden ästhetischen
Idee keine Veränderung erfuhr.
Studied at the: Malta School of Art (1974 - 1977); Edinburgh College of Arts, Scotland (1996); Bretton Hall College of the University of Leeds, UK (MA Fine Art with distinction - 1999-2000). Research Artist, Electronic and Digital Art Unit, University of Central Lancashire in the UK (MPhil/PhD Fine Art - part-time - 2004 to the present). Assistant Lecturer - Centre for Communications Technology, University of Malta (1999 - present) Assistant Lecturer - Art Unit, Faculty of Education, University of Malta (2003 - present) Visiting Lecturer - Electronic and Digital Art Unit, University of Central Lancashire, UK (2004 - present) Visiting Lecturer - Department of Contemporary Art Practice, Leeds University, UK (2004 - present) Works mainly in video, electronic digital media and installation. Vince Briffa Video, new media and installation artist Vince Briffa has hadhis work shown in some of the most prestigious international venues including the 1999 Venice Biennale and the Villa Manin Museum of Contemporary Art, Passariano, Italy; the Pierides Museum of Contemporary Art in Nicosia, Cyprus; the MOYA and Only Atelier in Vienna and the 'Johanniterkirche' in Feldkirch, Austria; the Palais des Nations, United Nations Building, Geneva, Switzerland; the grounds of the Museum of Modern Art, Vaduz, Liechtenstein; the Edinburgh Festivals - 1996 & 2000 and Matthew Gallery, Edinburgh and the Invergordon Gallery, Inverness, Scotland; the Bradford City Art Gallery, Bradford and Bretton Hall Gallery, Wakefield, UK; Galerie d'Art Zero, Barcelona, Spain; Queen Street Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland; Cork Municipal Gallery, Cork, Ireland and the Cathedral Museum, Mdina, the Museum of Fine Art, the Museum of Archaeology and St. James Centre for Creativity in Valletta, Malta. Vince Briffa has studied with sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi at the Edinburgh College of Art, holds an MA inFine Art & Digital Media from Leeds University and is currently doctoral research artist at the Electronic and Digital Art Unit of the University of Central Lancashire in the UK. He is also visiting lecturer at the University of Malta and also at the Unit for Contemporary Art Practice at the University of Leeds. Vince Briffa is a founding member of START, a Maltese contemporary art group. Vince Briffa has been chosen by St. James Centre for Creativity, Malta to curate 'Digital Discourse', an international exhibition of electronic and digital art from the Commonwealth Countries to coincide with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta in November 2005. |